Welcome to

St. Mary's
Catholic Church

in Temple, Texas.

Daily Mass

Tue., Thu. & Sat.:  8:15 AM
Wed. & Fri.:  5:30 PM

No Mass on Mondays

Sunday Mass

Sunday Mass:

7:30 AM, 9:30 AM 

Saturday Vigil Mass:

5:30 PM


Saturday: 4:00 PM
Sunday:  8:45 AM

Or call 254-773-4541 for appointment.

 Sun. 9:30 AM  Mass and Holy Days of Obligations and Solemnity’s will be available to watch live online via our Facebook page.

St. Mary's Catholic Church

Who We Are

St. Mary Catholic Church was established in 1883, making it the oldest Catholic church in Temple, Texas. Fr. Will Rooney serves as the pastor of the church and school. Our mission is for all to KNOW, LOVE AND SERVE our Lord Jesus Christ; provide for the Catholic Educational needs of our children and adults, and proclaim the Good News of His Saving Grace to all we encounter.

Letter to the Parish About Mass Time Changes

Dear Parish Family

I love seeing how God works here at St. Mary’s Parish and School. In the 1.5 years that I have served here at St. Mary’s, I have often been awed by the devotion and love this community has for Our Lord and for one another. We know, love, and serve Jesus Christ so that we can share Him with all we encounter.  Keeping this mission central – in other words, focusing on the person of Jesus – is essential both in our parochial and personal lives. The communal celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the parochial act which most effectively expresses this reality. At the Mass we know Jesus through his Word proclaimed to us; we love Jesus through our worshipful prayers, hymns, and songs; and we serve Jesus through our self-offering in union with him as we intercede for the world. The experience of Eucharistic Communion sends us on mission in imitation of Jesus to “announce the Gospel of the Lord.”

Because of the centrality of the Mass, the Church has laws regarding the manner of its celebration, and the number of celebrations each day. A priest is generally allowed to celebrate one Mass per day, with the possibility of celebrating two or three times under specific circumstances, particularly when pastoral needs arise. (Cf. Code of Canon Law, Canon 905 §§1-2). These church laws aim to balance the pastoral need for celebrations at various times with the need for reverence and communal participation in the liturgy.

Our Church can accommodate about 350 of the faithful at each Holy Mass. Our average weekly Mass attendance is between 500 and 650 people each weekend. This represents an approximately 20% increase in attendance over the past two years. Despite this growth, which continues, our community can easily be accommodated in three Weekend (Sunday) Masses. Therefore, after prayer and discernment, on the recommendation of the parish pastoral council, and with the approval of Bishop Vasquez, I have decided to stop the weekly celebration of the 11:30 AM Mass effective February 2, 2025. The last 11:30 AM Mass will be celebrated on January 26.

I realize that this decision affects some more than others and I know that some will be disappointed by it. Yet, I am convinced that this is in the best interest of our parish’s mission. Reducing the number of Masses will bring our parish into greater alignment with the Church’s vision for the parish as a community gathered around the altar and sent forth for mission. It will further allow me, as pastor of a school, more flexibility to promote Catholic education in our local area. Everyone in our parish is important to our community and to me as your pastor. Whether you are new to our parish or have been here many years, our community is better because you are a part of it!  If you are one of those who normally worship at 11:30 AM Mass and are disappointed with this decision, know that I remain available to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for your continued love for Jesus!

Fr. Will Rooney


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