The seven Sacraments
unfailingly give grace
All liturgical life of the Church revolves around the Eucharistic sacrifice and the Sacraments. The Sacraments are signs instituted by Jesus Christ and given to the Church by Christ through which He confers his sanctifying grace to us. This means that the Sacraments unfailingly give grace, because Christ works through them. Sanctifying grace is a free gift of God thus allowing us to become children of God whereby He invites us and allows us to share in the divine nature and to inherit eternal life. Sacramental grace imprints an indelible character on the soul of the recipient and configures the recipient to Christ. Sacraments are “powers that comes forth” from the Body of Christ, which is ever-living and life-giving. They are actions of the Holy Spirit at work in his Body, the Church.
The seven Sacraments of the Church are:
These seven Sacraments are classified into three categories thus reflecting their action:
- Sacraments of Initiation–Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
- Sacraments of Healing–Penance or Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick
- Sacraments of Vocation–Holy Orders, Matrimony
The practice of the western or Latin Church is to baptize children as infants, to prepare them to receive first penance/reconciliation and first Holy Communion at about age seven, and to allow them to be confirmed between the ages of twelve and seventeen.
Additionally at St. Mary, the usual practice is to begin confirmation process around the tenth grade. For more information in regards to the preparation for sacramental reception for children, please contact the Director of Faith Formation, Patricia St. Amour at 254.773.4541.
In most cases, adults who seek sacramental reception will enter preparation for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). In regards to RCIA, please contact Patricia St. Amour.
Congratulations on choosing Baptism in the Catholic Faith. We are excited to be with you on this journey of faith. The Parish of St. Mary strives to be a community of hope, providing spiritual nourishment. It is a privilege for us to assist you in making the baptismal day one filled with meaning, prayerfulness and happiness.
Process to have your child (under 7 years of age) Baptized
- Please fill out an Infant Baptism Information Packet : After completing the form pleas email it to or bring it to the Parish Office.
- Please sign-up for a pre-baptismal preparation class here.
- Someone will be in contact with you to schedule the baptism.
Ministry Leader:
Julie Rex
(254) 773-4541
When are classes?
Newborn to 6 yrs. old: At this time, Baptism classes are held on the Second Tuesday of each month. Please register here.
People 7 yrs. old or older: Registration and attendance in Faith Formation classes is required. Registration for classes starts in August for classes that run September through May.
When can I schedule a baptism?
Newborn to 6yrs. old: Once the Baptismal Preparation class is completed and all required paperwork is collected and submitted to the Parish Office, a day and time for the baptism can be scheduled with the Office.
People 7 yrs. old or older: Baptism is done in the Spring at Easter Vigil Mass.
How do we prepare for a baptism?
Newborn to 6 yrs old: parents of the child need to call the Parish Office to register for the Baptismal Preparation class and arrange to receive necessary papers to complete.
If the day & time of Baptismal Preparation class at St. Mary does not work for the parents and/or Godparents, either may attend a Baptismal Preparation class at a local Catholic parish and submit to St. Mary a certificate of completion.
Children 7 yrs. old through 12th Grade: children or teens attend Religious Education classes (starting in the Fall) for formation to celebrate all the Sacraments: Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation in the Spring at the Easter Vigil.
Adults: adults who are interested in becoming Catholic are required to attend classes to learn more about the Catholic faith, which prepare the person to celebrate at the Easter Vigil the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist (the Sacraments of Initiation).
Congratulations on choosing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. We are looking forward to sharing this journey of faith with you and your family. Confirmation preparation involves sharing, learning, spiritual growth, serving, and fellowship! You will be given the opportunity to learn more about your Catholic faith and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Ministry Leader:
Julie Rex
(254) 773-4541
When are the classes?
When is the next Confirmation?
For unbaptised children and adults: The celebration of the Sacraments is each year at the Easter Vigil.
For Catholic Baptized teens and adults, the date and time vary year to year depending upon the schedule of the Bishop.
How to prepare for Confirmation
9th Grader/1st Year: preparation is attending Religious Education classes Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 7:45 for two years. In 9th Grade or 1st-year preparation is learning the Basics of the Catholic faith.
10th Grade or 2nd year: preparation is learning Basics of the Catholic faith and additional specific Confirmation meetings on Sunday mornings to include attending Mass as a class (or proof of Mass attendance at a different Mass), attendance at an approved Confirmation retreat, at least one parent meeting and a Sponsor meeting. The date and time of the Confirmation Mass are set by the Diocese.
Confirmation for Adults: preparation for Confirmation for an adult is done by attending the Adult Religious Education classes and meeting with Patricia St. Amour, Director of Faith Formation. The celebration of Adult Confirmation varies upon the individual and is done by the Bishop.
Adults becoming Catholic (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults/RCIA): preparation for non-Catholic people to become Catholic is done by attending the Adult Religious Education classes. These classes form the person in the Basics of the Catholic faith, the Sacraments and other Catholic teachings and practices. Developing a faith life and Catholic beliefs is a gradual conversion of heart, mind, and soul. Everyone differs in their experiences and needs, so the length of time may vary for each person. The celebration of the Sacraments is at the Easter Vigil.

First Communion / Eucharist
We are excited for you to receive Jesus in the Eucharist!
Ministry Leader: Julie Rex
(254) 773-4541
How do we prepare for First Holy Communion?
Baptized children 7 yrs old to 18 yrs old:
Must attend Catholic Faith Formation classes through: St. Mary Parish Religious Education (2nd Grade or higher), St. Mary Catholic School, Holy Trinity Catholic High School or be Home Schooled. In addition, the student and parent(s) need to attend specific meetings during the school year for further group instruction. 2nd Grade students celebrate First Holy Communion together in the Spring. 3rd Grade – 12th Grade may celebrate separately in the Spring.
Unbaptized children 7 yrs. old to 18 yrs. old:
Must attend Catholic Faith Formation classes through: St. Mary Parish Religious Education (2nd Grade or higher), St. Mary Catholic School, Holy Trinity Catholic High School or be Home Schooled to prepare for the sacrament of Baptism along with Holy Communion. In addition, the student and parent(s) need to attend specific meetings during the school year for further group instruction. 2nd Grade students celebrate First Holy Communion together in the Spring. 3rd Grade – 12th Grade may celebrate separately in the Spring.
First Holy Communion for Adults
Both Baptised Catholics and Unbaptised people need to attend the Adult Religious Education/RCIA classes with the celebration of First Holy Communion in the Spring.
First Penance / Reconciliation
Come Receive Mercy!
Ministry Leader: Julie Rex
(254) 773-4541
Who can receive First Reconciliation?
Preparation to celebrate First Reconciliation for Children 2nd Grade through 12th Grade is done by attending Religious Education classes (2nd Grade or higher) or St. Mary;s Catholic School and specific meetings with their parents during the school year. Second Graders celebrate together. Third Grade through 12th Grade celebrate separately.
Celebration of First Reconciliation is after the first of the year.
Preparation for adults to celebrate First Reconciliation is done by attending the Adult Religious Education classes/RCIA. Celebration of First Reconciliation for adults is different for each adult.
What are the expectations?
For the preparation and celebration of each sacrament, attendance at the Parent & Child Meetings is required in addition to the formation the children receive in the Religious Education classes at St. Mary’s Catholic School or at St. Mary Parish Religious Education classes.
At least one parent, grandparent or adult needs to attend with their child or children (in the case of siblings, family or friend).
When are Reconciliation Times?
For those who have already celebrated their 1st Reconciliation:
Celebration times: Saturday – 4:00 pm, Sunday: 30 minutes before 9:30 am and 11:30 Mass.
Anointing of the Sick
If you or a loved one are in need of the Anointing of The Sick, please contact Fr. Will Rooney at the parish office (254) 773-4541 or e-mail him at if it is not urgent.
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick can be received by any Baptized person who are is past the age of awareness and who has a serious physical or psychological illness (contact the Pastor if you are unsure). Those who have a serious, chronic ailment can receive it several times if there is marked difference in the severity of the situation.
Ministry Leader:
When you call the parish to ask for the Anointing of The Sick you should be ready to give the following information in order to help the priest prepare.
- The name of the person needing the Anointing
- An address, hospital name, and room number as they apply
- A general description of the illness and its urgency.
- A contact person and contact number
- The state of consciousness of the individual
- The individuals ability to swallow or receive Communion
- A good time when family can be there (if possible) to witness the Sacrament
If possible, the reception of the Anointing of The Sick is normally preceded by the celebration of the Sacrament of Confession and concluded by the reception of Communion especially if there is a danger of death. It is also best to have some family and friends present when the Anointing is administered.
Anointing of the Sick is one of two Sacraments which heals and saves the baptized person from sin. This Sacrament unites the suffering of the sick person to the sufferings of Christ, strengthens the sick person with his grace, and forgives all sins for which the sick person has true sorrow but is unable to confess. It may only be administered by a Priest or Bishop.
Holy Orders
Is God calling you to serve the Church as a Priest?
Are willing to become, in a special way, another Christ, to take the lead in bringing about his Kingdom?
If that is a call that you are willing to explore; then I invite you to contact me, Fr. Will Rooney, about ways to discern this special calling.
The vocation to the priesthood is a special calling, one the Church does not take superficially. She accompanies and reviews all those who put themselves forward. If you feel called, do not be afraid to put yourself forward and we will help you discern if it is the right direction for you.
Ministry Leader:
Fr. Will Rooney
(254) 773-4541
Permanent Diaconate
Are you a married Man who is seeking to give yourself to the service of Christ and his Church in a more intentional manner?
Have you been serving the Church in various ways and would like to more directly assist the priest in his ministry?
If you are a man who is maturing in his spiritual life, giving onself to service of the Church, and is interested in becoming directly involved in the ministry of the Church then we would like you to strongly consider the vocation to the Permanent Deaconate.
A Deacon serves the Church by assisting the Priests and the Bishops in their ministry in many ways. For Example:
- They can preach the Homily during Mass
- They can celebrate the sacrament of Baptism
- They can celebrate grave side services and Vigils for the deceased
- They can bless and dedicate houses and items, people and institutions
- They can celebrate the sacrament of Marriage
In these, and so many other ways, the Deacon can assist Christ and his Church in bringing about the Kingdom of God. If you wish to explore this vocation for your life then we invite you to contact:
Deacon Barney Rodriguez:
Congratulations on your engagement! We are delighted that you have come to our parish to celebrate this important event in your life.
Let us help you set up the wedding arrangements and prepare for the lifelong commitment of marriage by contacting us today.
You can learn more about the preparation process by reading this document.
Ministry Leader:
Fr. Will Rooney
(254) 773-4541
Ideally, we need 6 months advance notice to avoid conflicts on the calendar and to get to know you so that we can say with some certainty that we are affirming a relationship that is loving and authentic, capable of persevering. However, if you have unknowingly chosen a date that is closer than 6 months do not hesitate to call us and we will see what we can do.
Weddings can be scheduled for almost any time during the week, including during Sunday Mass; depending on the church’s scheduled events. The priest will talk with you about possibilities at your first meeting.
There are no fees for weddings at St. Mary’s.
In preparation for meeting with the priest, we ask that you read our “Guidelines to Marriage Preparation and Weddings”
For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”
Ephesians 5:31