Adult Faith Formation (RCIA)

Do you want to know more about the Catholic faith?  Want to grow closer to God? Wondering what his plan for you might be?  Feel led to look more closely at becoming Catholic? Do you know someone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic Church?

The RCIA or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is held each year at St. Mary’s on Thursday evenings, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm in the O’Reilly Building. 


Ministry Leader:

(254) 773-4541

Interested in learning more about RCIA?


Is God calling you to be a Sponsor? Through friendship, listening, sharing, and living the Gospel, you can help someone through the RCIA process as he/she discerns the meaning of committing one’s life to Christ. Here at St. Mary, the RCIA team will help you to become a sponsor. For more information, please call Parish office at 254-773-4541.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (8 yrs old to 18 yrs old)

Please contact the Parish Office 254-773-4541 for information regarding children whose parents are participating in preparation for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Adapted for Children.

More Info: