Bereavement Committee

The Bereavement Committee assists and provides comfort to the families of our church during their loss and in their hour of need.  This ministry assists families by preparing a luncheon for the families and their friends on the day of the funeral.

Ministry Leader:

Hal & Dorothy Vavra
(254) 727-8119

D. Vavra, the coordinator, will call parishioners asking for salads, vegetables, desserts, etc. The family or friends sometimes desire to donate funds, provide the entree or contribute other foods to the effort.  With consideration of the family’s wishes, leftovers go with the family, to a church function, if appropriate, or to the needy.

Please consider donating time, food, and funds to this very worthwhile and compassionate outpouring of mercy to those in their deepest spiritual and grievous need. Call D. Vavra at 254-778-5459 for more information and to participate in this ministry.