Respect Life


Each parish is invited to host a Pro-Life Committee and appoint a Pro-Life Committee Chair to initiate and organize Pro-Life activities within the parish. This parish committee relies on the diocesan pro-life director for information and guidance.  The committee plays a vital role in parish life and enjoys the strong support of the clergy and other key personnel.  The committee also dovetails its effort from time to time with other programs of the parish. The Chairperson of the parish committee is appointed by the pastor and work well together.  

Ministry Leader:

St. Mary’s is pleased to have Janet and Kris Haynes  as coordinators for this valuable ministry. All are welcome to join this important ministry and we are looking for additional participants to assist us. If you are interested in learning more about our Pro-Life ministry please call the parish office at (254)773-4541 

The objectives are to:

  • Coordinate parish implementation of the annual Respect Life Program;
  • Sponsor programs in the parish to pray…that the culture of death that surrounds us may be replaced by a culture of life;
  • Educate…foster awareness of the need to restore legal protection to the lives of unborn children to the maximum degree possible and to safeguard in law the lives of those who are chronically ill, disabled or dying;
  • Keep parishioners informed of upcoming important legislation; and
  • Promote and assist pregnancy counseling and comprehensive maternity support services, as well as post-abortion counseling and reconciliation programs.

Many resources for Parish Pro-Life Committees are listed on the diocesan website.

Other Resources

40 Days for Life, which was started right here in our area in Bryan/College Station, is a silent and peaceful event for Life, with volunteers praying outside abortion clinics. Several local abortion clinics have closed in part because of this initiative.

Gabriel Project Life Centers, operated by Catholic Charities in Austin and Bryan, offer free pregnancy tests; pregnancy, parenting and childbirth classes; emotional, material and spiritual support.To see how Gabriel Project can help, call 512.651.6100.

The John Paul II Life Center provides pregnancy tests, sonograms to medically verify pregnancy, fertility education and pre-natal care through the Vitae Clinic.  The clinic also provides abstinence education in schools and in the community. For more information call 512.458.6060 or see

Annunciation Maternity Home, located in Georgetown, offers long-term housing to pregnant minors with or without children.  The home has a charter school for its residents and non-residents who qualify. Contact them at 512.864.7755, toll free 877.714.2836 for additional information.

Our Lady of the Angels Maternity Shelter, located in Temple, offers housing to pregnant women with or without children on a short-term basis. For more information, please call 254.742.2340 or toll free 866.389.2340.

Project Rachel compassionately helps women and men suffering emotionally and spiritually from the trauma of abortion.  This ministry offers 

  • Rachel Angels–walk with a companion on your journey to healing within the context of a Christian friendship.
  • Trained Priests–Receive spiritual direction, guidance and the Sacrament of Reconciliation in a loving and confidential setting.
  • Weekend Retreats–Take time away from your everyday life to seek peace and healing at confidential and private retreats led by a Project Rachel team.
  • Support Groups–Walk with others in a weekly group setting on a journey to hope and healing.
  • Professional Counselors–Receive a referral to someone who is sensitive to the needs of those hurting from a past abortion.