St. Mary’s 3rd Annual Altar Server Jamboree-Save the Date

We’re back!  The much highly anticipated Altar Server J-A-M-B-O-R-E-E will be happening July 6th-8th!  This event is the brain child of Fr. Kurtis’s since his arrival on campus.  The over all vision is to allow a fun time filled with learning how to serve at the Altar, form new friendships and deepen their knowledge and Catholic faith.  With the supervision of Father, Seminarians and volunteers the days are filled with fellowship, games, team building exercises and learning various duties of serving as an Altar Server to promote comradery.  As a church community we feel this is important because it provides in depth preparation for serving at Christ’s table.

We encourage all Altar Servers from St. Mary’s Church and School to join us, especially those with previous experience and those who are interested in becoming an Altar Server.

We begin at 9:00 AM and end at 5:00 PM.  A light breakfast,  a lunch and snacks are provided all three days of the event.  We invite parents and grandparents to come and join us on the last day since it’s truly a FUN filled day with a prize auction (chips are awarded as they complete tasks throughout the 3 days) to bid on their most prized items.   We guarantee you’ll enjoy yourself as much as all the kids and Fr. Kurtis!


Can you help us know, love, and serve Jesus so that he can be proclaimed in our community? Click here to learn more about giving to St. Mary's.