Vocation Bible School 2021

We are so excited about this year’s Vocation Bible School starting June 21st thru June 25th from 9:00 AM till 12:00 PM.  Any students from Pre-K4, through 5th grade are Welcomed.  Cost is $20 per student.  Deadline to receive a VBS-T-shirt is June 2nd.

We have applications that can be downloaded from this website for enrollment and an application if you are interested in volunteering for this event.  Please feel free to contact Patricia St. Amour if you are interested in becoming at volunteer.  She can be reached via email at patricia.stamour@stmarytempletx.org or 254-773-4541.

The days are filled with a group prayer then break out sessions with adult and student volunteers.  Each group will experience music, arts and crafts, church activities, bible study and games.  There will be snack time with juice and water provide each day.

For those parents needing an earlier drop-off or later pick-up times please contact Mrs. St. Amour to make arrangements prior to this event.  We know that life happens and want to ensure we accommodate our busy parents.   We are thrilled and look forward to another exceptional turnout! VBS 2021student form. VBS 2021 Volunteer form