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Incoming 3rd – 12th graders: Join us for the annual Altar Server Jamboree! We will have Mass, fun games, prayer, competitions, a water balloon fight, plenty of food, and the opportunity to grow both as a server and a disciple of Jesus. This year we are excited that we will have several Diocese of Austin seminarians helping to lead the activities.

New? Experienced Veteran Server? This event is designed with different learning tracks for all Altar Servers from those beginning their service to the veterans who have been serving for years.

Date: June 26 (8 AM – 7:30 PM) – 27 ( 8 AM – 5 PM)

Cost: Free

Place: St. Mary Catholic Church and School Campus (on the afternoon of day 2 we will be doing a fun off-campus activity and servers will be picked up there).

Schedule: Check back for the detailed schedule soon.

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